/Cremation Centers in Bidar

Cremation Centers in Bidar

Cremation in Bidar :

Cremation is a process of disposal of a dead person’s body by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony. After the funeral service the next step to be done is cremation. To book for a cremation service in Bidar we must know where are cremation centers located in Bidar.


Looking for a Cremation Service in Bidar ?

Call: 9343-180000



Here is some cremation centers list  in Bidar :


Patel nagar


Ø Kabristan



Shiva nagar



Ø Gurudwara cremation


How to book for a cremation Service?

You can contact VMEDO – a healthcare company. We at VMEDO will take the responsibility of transporting the dead body to home/funeral place. Also we look after the end to end process like final rituals such as funeral and cremation process in Bidar at an affordable cost.

In addition, VMEDO also provides services in Bidar  like,

Emergency and Non-Emergency Ambulance Service in Bidar

Ambulance Service at  Bidar  Airport

Dead body freezer box service Bidar